Today 69% of FUJIFILM Asia Pacific customer support transactions are resolved via its eSupport remote strategy, that’s over 2 million transactions per year.
Moving up the value chain and offering more value- added services is a priority at FUJIFILM. Rescue has been a key tool in achieving this.
Justin Russell, General Manager, Solutions Business Group, Customer Support Asia Pacific Operations at FUJIFILM Asia Pacific
Rescue has been used by FUJIFILM for seven years to boost its web-based remote support solution, improve customer satisfaction, and achieve cost savings across Asia Pacific. Therefore, the decision to continue to use Rescue for additional services was simple.
“When we started out with Rescue, usage was primarily based on device and network resolutions – reducing costs while improving the quality of our support. While this is still a priority, we are now focused on providing value-added remote support across maintenance and professional service implementation. And Rescue has played a core part in this journey,” says Justin Russell.
FUJIFILM invested in upskilling its support engineers to utilise Rescue correctly. By ensuring the whole experience was positive and consistent from the start, on-boarding customers was a seamless process.
“Being a trusted partner, it is rare that we receive a refusal to remotely access devices. Those that do, usually have specific security policies against remote access. Our reputation in providing this level of service means clients often come to us asking for remote support,” says Justin Russell.
Today 69% of FUJIFILM Asia Pacific customer support transactions are resolved via it’s eSupport remote strategy, that’s over 2 million transactions per year. Remote access through Rescue has been a major enabler in achieving these results whilst also significantly reducing field onsite costs and person hours associated with sending field teams to troubleshoot minor issues.
While self-service options online have reduced the volume of incoming customer calls, the pool of enquiries are now more technically challenging. This has resulted in increased remote support with Rescue use jumping from 27 to 41 percent.
Customer satisfaction expectation has been raised following the remote assistance and predictive technical support offered. FUJIFILM now has a clear point of difference to its competitors.
“It is now very common practice for organisations to have online support available for their customers to access, in some shape or form. They provide knowledge bases and FAQs and most have a technical helpdesk to resolve more technical issues. But from our audit of the industry, no company offers customer and solution support to the extent that FUJIFILM does,” says Justin Russell.
With Rescue, FUJIFILM has also been able to branch into new revenue streams such as professional services. On select applications, FUJIFILM can further assist in remote design work, installation and training which can then be costed to the client as desired.
“Moving up the value chain and offering more value-added services is a priority at FUJIFILM. Rescue has been a key tool in achieving this by opening up new revenue streams in each country where this service is provided.”
See for yourself
Start providing seamless remote support and see how your business can benefit with a free demo of Rescue.